There is something about a lemon that screams springtime to me. A lemon's yellow bright color, and their sour sweet taste that makes me dream of my toes in the sand on a tropical beach. Being that last Saturday was the first day of spring, I had the urge to make lemon bars. I followed a recipe I found in the March issue of Southern Living. I made the Mama's way version and man were they delightful! I recommend that if you love a lemon bar you try them out; I promise they will not disappoint. Sadie even enjoyed a few morsels that fell to the kitchen floor!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
All Around The Western House
All around Jimbo and Torie's western house! Jimbo is Adam oldest and dearest friend, who is getting hitched April 9. We are thrilled because we are smitten with Torie! Adam lived with Jimbo the whole time we were dating, and we remember finding a pair of ladies sunglass at the house. We heckled Jimbo about it and he just grinned, so we knew "this" girl might just be something special. In less than a month "that" girl, Torie will be his wife and Adam will be at Jimbo's side cheering him on the whole way! We wanted to honor them throwing them a couples shower. Mark and Christina, other close friends teamed up with us to host. Christina and I had a great time planning the party and shopping. We held the party at Adam's families lodge. The Whitehurst Lodge helped complete the western feel we were going for. We feasted on beef tenderloin, baked potatoes with all the fixings, green beans, and yeast rolls. For dessert, we had strawberry cake, German chocolate gooey bars, and chocolate covered strawberries. After dinner, we played Chinese horseshoes, corn hole, and regular horseshoes. It was a windy day but it turned out to be a great time filled with fun and much laughter. The couple received many wonderful gifts to fill their western themed home!
The tables and the food

Playing Games
The tables and the food
Playing Games
Me, Christina, and Torie
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Red Lobster Weirdness
Today Adam and I were talking about restaurants we wish were around here, and his was THE SHRIMP SHACK in Beaufort, SC. So, in honor of his seafood craving we headed to Red Lobster. I had never been to Red Lobster prior to meeting Adam, but I was missing out because their cheddar bay biscuits are delightful! I could go and just eat those: ) Little did we know when we chose Red Lobster it would be such an interesting night. When we were seated, we got a window booth and most times that would be exciting if you had a view of the water at the beach. However, we were in the middle of Gainesville and our view was of the parking lot and I-75. From my seat, I could see a homeless person in the woods between Red Lobster and I-75 and Adam could see the parking lot. I noticed Adam kept peeking out the window and me being curious I inquired. He said there is this man going up to all the cars and trapping these people before they can drive away. So, when our waiter came by we let him know there was a man stalking their customers. He ended up being a con man. That was just the first weird thing that happened in the short time we were there. Next, a couple walks in with their child and the woman is wearing science safety goggles. She never took them off! I was and still am so confused as to the purpose. So at this point in the evening I was crane necking to look out the window to see if I could spot something worthy of discussing when a girl stumbles out of a car and is being guided into the restaurant by her friends. It was her birthday and she was in prime shape, too bad we were signing the bill when they finally made to the table right next to ours. We headed out and practically jogged to the car so if the con man was out there still we wouldn't get caught by him. Have you ever been out to eat and seen such bizarre things (people)?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Day in the Life
My first time linking up, this week Kelly's Corner is doing a look at your typical day! I thought it would be fun! Being a first grade teacher no day ever goes as planned. Educators have to be extrememly flexible, but in a dream day this is how it would go.
6:00 Alarm goes off...
6:10 Alarm goes off again and I finally get moving. I get up and have my morning prayer time (read the chapters in the Bible for that day and do my morning prayers).
6:30 Get ready for work, let the pup out and get my coffee ready that my amazing husband makes every night. I grab my granola bar (my usual breakfast) and head out the door!
7:05 Get to work and get ready for a day filled with 18 little first graders. I set up anything I didn't get done the afternoon before, check e-mail, make copies, grade papers, etc.
7:50 Call the little ones in for them to put their book bags in the locker room and get started on their morning work. I greet them, help them with their work, and check folders during this time.
8:50 We begin our math block. It begins with our math calendar (20 minutes), then on to the students favorite part math centers. We end our math block with a mini lesson and a guides practive worksheet.
9:00 Reading my favorite time of the day. We have a hour of whole group full of phonics dances, jumping out phonemes (letter sounds), clapping out words, echo reading, applying comprehension skills, and read aloud to the students. I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you.
10:00 I have an aid beginning at this time so she meets with two groups for 15 minutes each while I meet with two groups for 15 minutes each. The groups that are not with us are doing independent readinng centers.
10:30 Independent reading and Writing workshop while I continue intervention groups for another 30 minutes.
10:45 I try an squeeze another read aloud in or a fun game (around the world with facts cards, or sight words)
11:15 Special area...a break finally (all days except on Wednesday). I use this time to get stuff ready for their HOME folders, run errands to drop off notes, make copies, grade papers, get ready for science or social studies.
11:50 I pick them up and we head back to class to finish up any classwork that we didn't get completed earlier in the day. Then we sanitize hands and head to lunch at 12:10. I do get a duty free lunch, the first half of the year we did eat lunch with our students but they worked our where aids could monitor lunch. I pick up the children from lunch and we head to the bathrooms to make a whole class bathroom break. Then we go play!! I love recess, because I love to watch them play. I also like to play with them, my favorite game Mrs. W kickball. It is where they all stand in a feild and I kick a ball as high in the air as I can and they run to catch it. They squeal with delight and it makes my heart sing!
1:10 We head back in for science or social studies. It takes a few minutes for us to settle down before learning can happen again, but usally I can get in a good 30 minutes of learning instruction. Then at 1:50 we have to get packet up and head out to dismissal.
My contract day ends at 3:00 so I am busy getting stuff planned and prepared for the next day. My school new years resolution is to get out of there by 3:00 (doesn't happen often, but I try).
When I get home I tidey up the house, do laundry, and start on dinner. Adam gets home around 5:30 and is usually ready for dinner. After that I clean up the dishes and we hang out, do some work stuff, watch tv, etc. We are usally ready to hit the hay by 9:30. Yea we are old people who enjoy our sleep. I look forward to a day when our schedule has the pitter patter of little feet, but until them I enjoy getting up and doing what I do each day.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Busy Bee

These next couple of weeks will be filled with me being a busy bee. I am looking forward to a time when I can have a laid back weekend, but when that will be who knows? God knows and he will reveal it to me in His timing! This Saturday started with the alarm going off at 6:30. I can't remember the last time I had to set the alarm, but it was well worth it. My mother in law (Kellee), Annie, and I held a huge yard sale. We were all amazed at how much trash/junk we had. But those who have held yard sales know that someone’s trash is someone else's treasure. I made over 200 dollars, and I reclaimed 3 clothes hampers to be again used for clothes...ha! When I got home Adam was please that I didn't bring one item back, because he had told me that morning when he helped me set up that it wasn't an option to bring anything home. It just so happens that our church is in the process of opening a thrift store, so I dropped off our viable goodies on the porch. God was watching out for me yesterday as He always does! I then headed off to my first student birthday party. It was fun to hang out with some of my sweet girls at our community’s playground. We ate pizza in the "choo-choo" and I pushed them on the swings. I tried my hardest to not be the usual Mrs. Whitehurst and tell them to slide down the slide on their bottom, but it just might have slipped out. :) We watched her blow out a big 7 candle and then we ate delicious ladybug cupcakes. I can't believe I only have these girls for 58 more days. It hurts my heart and makes me nervous all at the same time. I want to teach them so much more while savoring ever moment I have left with them!
At school we are gearing up to open a Mexican Restaurant! Yes, you heard me right, we have been learning about Mexico, jobs, and restaurants. We are walking to a local restaurant on Monday to see how a restaurant works, and what types of jobs they have. Then the student will get to fill out a "job application" for our restaurant and I will hold "interviews" on Thursday. They are so excited I just hope I can continue to handle their enthusiasm. We open and serve our guests March 26th, two days before Spring Break! Those close by are welcome to make reservations and you have two options tacos or borritos with a side of beans and a drink for $5.00. Any free time in our school day is filled with the restuarant prep! This coming Friday I will be heading down to Tampa to spend Friday and Saturday with my mom. We are going to see him...
We are oh so thrilled! Michael Buble's concert was my mom's Christmas present from Adam and I, and she has been getting super excited! Mom and me saw him years ago when he was new to the scene in a small venue, so I am looking forward to seeing him perfrom in the Ice Palace! While I am down there I am going to order my dream breakfast nook from Ballard Design. On Wednesday my Mom called to tell me she just received a coupon in the mail for 15 % of your entire purchase. It paid off to be patient this time! Then Sunday I will be waking up to an alarm yet again to rush back to Williston, to host a shower for Adam's best friend Jimbo and fiancée Torie. They are getting hitched on April 9th and we can't be more thrilled! Here is the invite...
This will keep you caught up with me until then, so please forgive if I am distant!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Worrier at Heart
I am a third generation worrier, and if I had the chance to know my great grandmother I might could have said fourth generation. I worry about everything, but I have to say I did learn from the best! Every time as I leave Tampa to head back up to Williston I can always count on these words, "call me when you get home." The most sweetest recent moment was when Adam and I were heading back to Williston my brother Matthew (14) told me to call him so that he knew we were safe. What can I say it has been imbedded in us all. My grandmother use to worry so much it became annoying back when I was a teenager who thought we were all invincible. But what can I say I am now just as bad! From money to safety I am your girl. Adam calls me old Joanne ever now and then which is my mom's name...I use to say sorry it is who I am until this week of bible study. I learned that Satan's most powerful trap/tactics is mental/psychological torment. He would rather you be filled with torment and worry than feel the joy of God's stabled loving hand! As I read this I had to catch my breath, at the realization that the devil had a strong grasp on me. Had being the operative word!!! I have been praying today and will continue to pray that my family and me can learn to give our worrying to God.
Worrier # 1 Grandma D and Worrier #5 Matthew
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Sunday High
Each Sunday this month has been an exciting day for me and not only because it's our day to be in worship with God. It's the day the newspaper has coupons! Growing up I always loved the Sunday newspaper and going through all the ads, to see what I may have wanted (how selfish I know). I now get excited to find THE deals. I am nowhere near as good as some of the women who write blogs about it, but I have a had a blast collecting and trying to save a buck or two. The last two Sundays have been even more fun, because Annie and I have clipped coupons together while the boys watched the race. We cut out coupons we know the other person uses, and it will be a sad day when she doesn't get my diaper coupons...haha!! Adam has supported me and I love that. He gathers 6 quarters for me each Sunday morning so I can see what steals and deals they have this week! This past Sunday, I saved 50% of everything I bought. Now I am still quite particular of the products I like but couponing has helped me branch out and try new things. I found that we like other brands than our usual Classico pasta sauce and blue diamond nuts. It has been difficult though to buy something I don't have a coupon for, but sometimes you just got to buy it!!
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