Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Silly Thanks
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Molding Minds
Monday, November 23, 2009
It was fun to look back and find snap shots of some favorite memories!
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Family is an Amazing Thing

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sweat Equity Pride
The deer is peeking out to say hello.
Check out the unfinished wall above the door to the patio.
I painted it and love it in the classroom.
This was the room that Sadie (dog) and Lily (cat)
were put in at night. So it has a peculiar smell.
Lets just say the job I hated the most was painting the had to be done since it had 70 era glitter in it. Adam and I laughed about keeping it up and putting up a disco ball and making it our dance room! So the next big decision was color. Well let me fill you in on our bathroom theme in our house. They are each a different color. We have a yellow (master), blue (spare bedroom), white (spare bedroom), and green (office bathroom). When I say they are that color the shower, counter tops and toilets where all that color. Thankful between when DW and Annie lived here and Adam and I we have white toilets everywhere. SO back to color...the green in the bathroom is sage green...and I love it. So I was on a mission to match it because I wanted to use the green in the office somewhere. So I was up at Lowe's pulling every green paint swatch imaginable and looking at the all the design pamphlets when I had my epiphany. I wanted an accent wall with alternating color stripe. So we headed home with my paint swatches to match my green bathroom color. I have to applaud Adam for dealing with my. He was so helpful, because I didn't know a thing about fixing stuff up. We worked together to get the painters tape up for my stripe vision. It complete changed the feel of the room. It make it seem like we have high ceilings in their now. Once the painting was done we headed down to Adam's Aunt's flooring store and ordered our wood! It sat there for a bit since we went on a cruise and had VBS (Vacation Bible School) at church going on. Adam's Dad was putting wood in his office and decided he was going to have the company come over and put our wood in. I am so glad he did because I have a feeling we could have really messed it up. Plus the flooring company discovered rotting wood on our door. So as most reno's go we had an added expense. We have a brand new beautiful door. Well it looks the same but has no rotting wood. Here is the room with paint, wood, and trim done. All it needed was office furniture.
We search the Internet to find the perfect office furniture. I was searching for a writing desk with pretty legs. My hope was that the desk would be larger like an executive desk, but pretty like a writing desk. All the furniture we found was so expensive. :( We looked at Pottery Barn, Ballard Design, Office Depot, online stores, and Craig's list. No luck! It wasn't until we ran to the office supply for the classroom stuff that we realized we never looked at Office MAX! SO with every project you have your ideal image of the finished product in your mind. I put my vision into a sketch and I walked up to this one display and told Adam, "THIS IS MY VISION!" He knew right then he was in trouble. The Broyhill Sunset Hills collection had to be in our office. So we noticed it was on "Clearance" and went home and slept on it. Dave Ramsey would be so proud that we didn't make an emotional purchase. I continued to watch it online and it didn't go down further, so we decided the next Saturday we were going to go get it. We get there on Saturday and the Office Max employee says did you know tomorrow started the up to 50% off furniture event. So he got us and we decided to hold off one more day to see if the set would go down anymore. Well of course it didn't so we headed back to buy it. Only it has been discontinued and the only thing we could purchase and for sure get was the desk. I felt defeated, but she said you can buy the floor set up for 10% off. My ears perked up, and went to check out the condition of the floor set up. Adam and I were looking it over whispering to each other when the manager walked up and said well what do you think. I himmed and hahhed and told her there are quit a few flaws, I need at least 20% off to consider purchasing it. She said, "I can do that" and it was sold. As she walked away I told Adam that was too easy! Maybe I should have asked for more but he reassured me that I doubled her offer. So we took home the bookcase and the filing cabinet, ordered the chair and the desk for delivery! We need more stuff for the walls and a window treatment but the room over all is in much better shape than when we moved in. A job well done! Now go check it out! :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Give Me a G, Give Me an A...
The day my man looks forward to each year, is the day the Florida Gators take the field! Yesterday was the first official GATOR game day of the football season, and we were pumped! ESPN was on all day while we worked around the house. Adam savored every moment that lead up to the Gators running on the field. I have been a Gator since the age of 3 when my mom and dad got married! My dad went to the University of Florida and loved everything it stood for. I had no choice but to apply there my senior year of high school. I of course applied other places but UF was my school of choice. I remember the day people began to get their letters. Their sweet parents were calling their cell phones at school to give them the news and I got no call. Oh the torture, I got home and scavenged through the mail...NO LETTER. My heart was breaking...then I got a call to meet my family at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. It was there they pulled out the letter that was opened (at the time I was livid), and said congratulations. I was ecstatic and ready to become a Florida Gator. Game day is fabulous as a student, you stand, cheer, scream, and sing the entire game! Looking back I enjoyed every moment of my time at UF. Because of the people I meet, the things I learned, and the experience I had I truly believe I am a better person than when I first step on to campus that hot June day in 2003.
God graced me by pairing me with Adam who completes me when it comes to Gator game day. Adam's family has a long history of gator pride and I love it. Here we are heading out for the game yesterday.
We got there and ate FROG'S BBQ a game day tradition with chocolate chip cookie that my M-I-L made...yum yum! When done and everyone began to go in different directions, Adam and I headed out to see my family. It was so crazy we never got a family game day picture but I did run into a friend! It is crazy how friend know friends who know friends. (Did you follow that...haha) I walked up to the tailgate party and I see David and Danielle. It was great to see her because it had been a few weeks. We also got to congratulate them, because last week they found out they were going to have a sweet gator girl (Due December 2009)!
The national anthem makes my heart sing! I think it is such and honor to be at a fun filled gator game while our military men and women are fighting and protecting our freedom. I sing the national anthem and I stand for a fly over. The fly over on this September evening was amazing. It was a humongous cargo plane and it made Adam and I think of Adam's brother Sam. Sam is in the Air Force...Thanks for all you do! We cheered and sang!
We left tired, hot, and extremely happy! We had our first gator victory under our belt this season. Now the only other thing we had to do was begin to prepare for next weeks game against Troy. We did so today by going out and getting Adam his new game day shirt and hat. We had not had time to find the perfect outfit this year until now! He contemplated wearing last years shirt since we went undefeated in it, but I was determined it had a funky smell (after wearing it every game in the Florida heat...eww..I know). Adam is taking a chance on a bright beautiful white gator shirt! Now I have always been a gator fan who found orange and blue attire without logos on it. Until this year, I have fallen in love with a shirt that has a logo. So all my friends know that if I can't find something I am not afraid to ask for help. I go up to this sweet college student and describe this shirt my heart was set on when she said, "Oh, that is sold out and has been discontinued." (INSERT: Possible tears) "All that is left is children's sizes." I walk off defeated, and Adam was wondering what shirt it was I was hunting for. So we headed to the children's section to show him when I saw it...YOUTH SIZES...not baby! I picked up the XL and held it up to me and I felt shear joy! It looks like it will fit, so I tried it on and I was sold! Can't wait to sport it next week!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cardboard amazing grace
Last weekend our church took part in a service that other churches around the nation are taking part in. It was an amazing, grace filled service. The Lord's spirit touched so many lives that day, and hopefully our Chirsitan family will go forward with more passion for what our Lord and Savior can do for our lives. Adam and I particpated and it was an amazing experience we embraced with our Lord. I loved that we could share our stories for how God's love has transfomred our lives! Take a few minutes (5, 10, or the whole 18 minutes) to check out the video from our Sunday service and maybe the Lord will speak to your soul this morning. God Bless!
May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. -2 Corinthians 1:2
In Christian Love, *LRW*
Saturday, August 29, 2009
So this is where I have been....
Check out this amazing bookshelf...guess who built it....the awesome hubby!
I had some helpers along the way! Thanks for your help and your ability to listen to me freak out as the first day of school slowly approached. I can't believe the first week is over, now for me to freak out about Open House! Ha!