~1st Christmas~
The weekend before Christmas we loaded up the Suburban and headed up to Georgia to celebrate Christmas with Adam’s mom. We have lunch on Saturday and spend the afternoon opening presents while visiting with family. The morning was filled with cooking and watching ELMO as people came into town.

Aunt Nen and Annabelle watching “The Street We Live On.” Some how her bow got into my hair that morning :)

Cousins catching up on some Sesame Street.

People started getting there to total 32 people in all. It was CRAZY!

Santa even made an entrance before presents! Ha!
~2nd Christmas/Our Christmas~
On the eve of Christmas eve Adam and I did our Christmas since we would be flying out Christmas morning. We put on pj’s, turned on all the Christmas lights, and had my new GLEE Christmas album playing (thank you Annie). We then let Sadie (who is not allowed in the living room) and Lily come into the living room to “open” their presents first.

They get so stink’n excited!

Treats for both of them :)

Two new toys each!
Then we opened up our presents. That why it looked like Christmas threw up.

This is ME super excited for my new little camera. It is waterproof, freeze proof, and crush proof Perfect for our ski trip.
My hunny excited about his big present!
Sadie knowing her time in the living room is almost over! Sweet girl looking pretty by the tree!
~3rd Christmas~
On Christmas Eve we celebrated with Adam’s Dad and family. We ate an early dinner of steaks,mashed potatoes, green beans, sautéed mushrooms, Sister Shubert's and PEANUT BUTTER PIE! It was delicious! After dinner we exchanged gifts with everyone. I just love watching people open their presents and light up with excitement over what they just received.

After gifts we cleaned up to get ready for the Christmas eve service at church. We all sat on the same row (can’t remember the last time that happened) and prayed and worshiped together. I loved every minute of the service. God did such an unselfish act by giving us his son on that quiet December night so many years ago. After the service we said our good byes and wished all a Merry Christmas as we prepared for our 3rd Christmas.
~4th Christmas~
We got down to Tampa after 9 on Christmas eve and celebrated our final Christmas. We had a good time opening presents together with our colorful banter. I was so excited to get a new sifter from my brothers and William Sonoma’s peppermint bark…yum!

The tree with all the present has to be one of my favorite pictures at Christmas. Everything looks so pretty!

Mom got some great presents this year. Annie helped me out getting my dad’s present together for mom…check out there sweet “bods.”
Everyone had great Christmases! Hope all of you enjoy your time with your family’s.