Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Relay for Life 2010

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to support our communities Relay for Life.  My school sponsored a team again this year and we had a great time supporting each other.  Our team captain, Laura is a cancer survivor and our students were much more involved in fund-raising this year!  The relay was much less eventful than last years but so much more meaningful.  I have had family members and friends who have lost their fight and others who have won their battle!  What a praise those wins are...Thank you Lord!  I walked in honor of my Uncle Jeff who lost his fight with Leukemia earlier this year.  Cancer can be so cruel and I am thankful for a day and an event that can bring people together to support each other.  I am thankful for the time and memories we have had with our loved ones who have lost their fight.  I am most thankful for my faith in the Lord that we will be reunited again with each of them in the glorious kingdom of heaven! 



  1. Thank you for walking!!! I'm glad you had a good time!

  2. Good for you, Lauren. Supporting the Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society is huge!
