I have mentioned already I am a big city girl...that big city is Tampa, Florida which is no NYC, but enormous in relation to lovely Williston. I never intended to move back to Tampa after I finished school at UF, but I never knew how scary it could be to move to somewhere new. I am extremely lucky I did not have to move to that somewhere new all alone. Although Adam is from Williston he has been with me every step of the way as I have found my footing in Williston to make this my home. I appreciate every moment he has sat and listened to me as I tried to find my nitch! With that said on my last post I let on that I had a busy, busy weekend...and oh was it ever! It was a wonderful weekend that has provided many new memories with my amazing family and friends.

I was a newbie this year on my schools RELAY FOR LIFE team and I am so glad I took part in such a life changing, yet fun cause. Our school paired up with our sister intermediate elematary school and sold pickles and held hat days to reach our monetary goal. (I have to say I am super excited there is no more pickles...they stink!) This experience has not only changed peoples lives with cancer, it has also fostered so many avenues for me to grow closer to some of my co-workers. I said earlier it has been scary moving to a new town, because most people have their friends and social circles already perfected were a new friend would just throw it off balance. I can say I have found my people, despite that fact I was the outsider! My people have taken me in and made me feel so welcomed! Together we had a blast setting up for RELAY FOR LIFE and walking together for a cause!

The theme for this years RELAY FOR LIFE was Relay through the Years...so having many teachers who grew up during the 80s at our school we became "The Ladies of the 80s." Being the newbie I really did not know what I was getting my self into, especially with our amazing, yet competitive administration staff who wanted to win all the categories...haha! I unaware of the pressure I would be under to win volunteered myself to be the member who dressed up for a costume contest. I had to dress 80s...and with the help of my Team leader we had the perfect costume/outfit. I do mean perfect, because we won of course after I had one person crimping my hair while my principal and team leader were applying my make up.
My competition (Decades represented are 80s, 60s, 70, 50s)My team was there to cheer me on as I danced across the stage, yes, I said danced! It was a night to remember!!
Saturday was a day to recoup and get me some much needed Adam time! We ventured out to that big city of Ocala filled with oh so many gems. We made a stop by Adam's favorite, Hobby Lobby (he did say it was 10x better than Micheal's) to get pom poms to finish "The Bunny Express" for that big Whitehurst Easter party I mentioned. We helped Fast and the Furious be the top selling movie and we stopped by Jenkins Acura to see if we had found Adam and I's dream JEEP. We are looking for the perfect JEEP to set out on our weekend adventures...we hope to find one soon that will fit our needs, budget, and vision for all the accessories we want to add to it! I went to the website to save the picture but it wouldn't let me :( After a great Saturday together we geared up for this Whitehurst Easter bash! After church we hurried around to help Annie, my SIL and Devin, my BIL set up the party! Adam and I being a young couple with no kiddies were put to work! We did a hay ride for the children and of course it had to be a bunny trailer! Here was my creation with those pom poms we got from Hobby Lobby!
The Bunny Group There was a duck race, a fish pond , a pick an egg game for all the Whitehurst children! The children were separated by grade level so the egg hunts would be fair, Adam and I took the hunters on a ride while the mom's and dad's hid the eggs! However nothing was sweeter than Adam and I's niece Annabelle who I held as much as possible, since Annie was busy playing gracious host!
Annabelle and Aunt LaurenThe party was a great success and it brought the Whitehurst's together for a great reason to celebrate being a family! I look forward to what tomorrow will bring and anxiously await Easter where we can celebrate God's great gift to us, eternal life!