That means I am yet again behind since I haven’t even posted about Halloween! At the end of October we ventured out for our annual tailgate celebration in Jacksonville for the Florida/Georgia game! We always have the best food and this year did not disappoint…kabobs, pasta salad, dips, brownies, and cupcakes! This year was extra special, since Sam and Marianne were down from Virginia for the game. We don’t get to see this family often so we enjoyed the memories made!
That night we went to dinner with Sam and Marianne before heading back to our hotel. Adam left bright and early the next morning for a week long hunting trip in Illinois! He was excited to go but I sure was going to miss him. I had a lot planned for when he was gone to keep me busy. My mom came up to visit for a few days and Monday was Halloween . My mom and I went trick or treating with Annabelle and my nephew Willie in town. It was so much fun to see the kiddos get into to it!
Willie and I! Check out those sweet triplet brothers who were aliens to go with big brother Willie’s Woody costume!
Had few trick or treaters later on that night. The Arnold’s stopped by and AB!
It was also homecoming week at the HS and that means a PARADE!! I love a parade and it was a good one since we knew quite a few of the students in it. I sat with Rita and Hoyt to watch the parade and collect a few pieces of candy.
Willie was in it since he was the Peanut King at the Peanut Festival.
Kels was on the senior float which was adorable!
And my peer counselor Ms. Hayley was on senior court and won homecoming queen Friday night!
It was fun all around….Rita and I headed home to pack for our girls adventure that was starting the following AM!
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