My goodness it has been busy around here! We are 10 shows behind on all the TV shows we DVR. As I sat and looked at our blog I realized Easter was never blogged about or the many things we had going on Holy Week. I haven’t been in my class 3 days this week due to trainings. I just want to get back into a routine that lets me catch up on life every now and then. In order to remember our Spring/Easter festivities I am going to jump back in time a bit….
The Sunday before Easter our church had their annual family luncheon and egg hunt for the kiddos. This year the wonderful ladies who organized the event added an Ester bonnet contest. The bonnets were darling but the most hilarious was our preachers bonnet…HA!!! Uncle Adam sure thought that sweet Annabelle was the winner of the contest! We enjoyed watching AB and all the other children hunt for eggs.

The Tuesday of Holy Week the men of our church reenacted The Last Supper. Adam participated last year for the first time and enjoyed it. This was round 2! I love it because both his big brothers are Apostles too.

Adam (James, Son of Alphaeus), Devin (Simon the Zealot), and Van (Thomas)
After the presentation we had celebratory ice cream at the McDonald’s. AB got her first kiddie cone and loved that it was her size!

Later that week we had our PTO Spring Carnival. Oh my goodness was it hot, but I had so much fun. This year I switch things up and did not do the picture booth. I did cameo face paint for the boys and spring nails for the girls. This little one was my first customer. The cameo face faint was a hit!!!

Easter Sunday was wonderful day filled with prayer, worship, and family. Christ is Risen! Our Easter lily that we got from my MIL opened that morning!

After church Adam’s dad, Kellee, and Kels came to eat a delicious Easter lunch.

Adam’s smoked Boston butt before and after….yum.

The Chocolate Trifle before! The Blonde brownie were amazing by themselves FYI.

Oh my it was amazing and we ate it for the rest of the week!

It was wonderful to be together on Easter.